Anna Bojaryn – How I Picture Healing 

Throughout the ages, communities across the globe have incorporated healing practices into their way of life. These practices have ranged from ancient Chinese Medicine and North American and Siberian Shamanism to Hawaiian Healing, Yoga from India, and Meditation. The Egyptians, Mayans, Incas, Atlanteans, and Lemurians are just a few of the ancient civilizations that have stories and channels related to how they perceived healing. 

As an experienced healer, I have come to understand that healing is not merely about fixing someone who is broken. Instead, it is a journey of rediscovering our true potential and the mastery of our hearts. Healing involves delving into our hearts, challenging our beliefs, and releasing years of conditioning. It is about developing a profound understanding of who we are and reconnecting with our Soul and Heart Consciousness. 

Our bodies are complex and comprise various energy centers such as chakras, layers of aura, meridians, organs, and systems. We are slowly but surely realizing that we are powerful creators, manifesting in this world. Part of healing is stepping into more conscious creation and learning about the potential of our Soul. 

Energy Medicine is making a comeback into our awareness and our daily lives, with popular approaches such as Shamanism, Reiki, EFT, Family Constellations, Breathwork, Sound Healing, Crystal Healing, Past Life Regression, Ancestral Healing, Inner Child Healing, Yoga, and Meditation. There are also new practices such as Light Language Activations, Angelic Healing, and Pellowah that are incredibly powerful, and many more that I am still learning about. 

As a healer, I offer practices that are close to my heart, and I love to see how my clients are benefiting from these. Plus, it serves us all in building a more loving and conscious community for the future. 

I believe that healing is a holistic process that involves the mind, body, heart, and soul. My aim is to help my clients reconnect with themselves on a new level and teach them how to tap into their own inner wisdom to achieve balance and harmony. I offer a safe and supportive space for clients to explore their own unique healing journey and rediscover their innate ability to heal themselves. Whether it’s through a one-on-one session or a group workshop, I am excited and honoured to help my clients achieve their goals and live their best lives. 

Anna Bojaryn 


"Connect to your divinity, feel your humanity. Simply Tune Within Yourself and discover you are magical."

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